What's New in TOWeb 12
4K+/HiDPI screens support for unrivaled work comfort
The TOWeb 12 user interface is suitable for very high resolution 4K+ screens and Windows HiDPI mode which considerably improves your daily visual comfort with ultra-sharp texts and icons, including when previewing and editing your website in the topics and theme steps. You will no longer be able to go back after trying it... Click on this link for a comparison between V11 and V12 on the same HIDPI screen. Whatever the scaling configured in Windows, even very important, the TOWeb 12 interface will remain perfectly sharp and comfortable on your screen.

Add a top banner to your site to boost your visitors' commitment!
TOWeb 12 allows you to easily display a well visible message at the top of all your website pages: promotion on your products, free shipping, coupon, novelty on your blog, upcoming events ... You can see a demonstration of this on our site for the announcement of TOWeb 12. This banner is customizable and can remain constantly displayed or be closed by the visitor during their visit. This new feature, which can boost your visitors' engagement and reduce the bouncing rate of your site, is accessible from the "Options > Advertising> Top banner" screen.

Undo all your modifications with one click
In TOWeb 12, as soon as you make changes on your site, a new "Undo" button will appear in the main menu bar of TOWeb (next to the "Save" button) to allow you cancel all your latest modifications since the last time your site was saved. This function is useful for example when you have made a modification or deletion by mistake or when you want to be able to carry out tests and cancel them at any time without having to leave the software or save any unwanted changes.

Animate and energize the menu of your site

Improvement of the dates fields in your forms
- define min and max dates beyond which the selection will not be possible. These dates can be fixed or relative in number of days or years compared to the date of the day. For example, to force the entry of an adult birth date under the age of 80, you just have to indicate min and max values of -18 years and -80 years
- show the week's number in the calendars
- restrict the duration of a date range to a maximum number of days of your choice.

Improvement and compliance with consent of cookies
In order to bring your site in accordance with the latest GDPR legislation, visitors can now modify the cookies they have previously accepted or refused on your site, and this at any time including when they come back to visit it. If you have activated the consent of cookies on your site, this new button will automatically appear on the left side of all your web pages. Colors, activation as well as the location of this button are customizable at the level "Options > Cookies & Privacy".
Migrate to PayPal Checkout V2 before PayPal Standard becomes obsolete, and accept payments in installments

3D-Secure V2 strong authentication support
TOWeb 12 now manages the latest version 2 of 3D-Secure for the following payment systems: Paybox, Up2Pay e-Transaction, Monetico, CM, CIC and CA banks. This latest more secure version limits the risks of fraud and therefore cancellation and reimbursement of orders for you. This level of security is increasingly requested by banks and will become compulsory by imposing strong authentication on buyers during transactions carried out online (double identity confirmation by SMS, mobile app, etc). If you used one of these payment methods on your site created with a previous version of TOWeb you will have to delete it and then add it again.

Maximize your sales with the new product search engine
The product search engine of your site has been improved to display the results with the same presentation than the one used in the index pages of your catalogs and offer to your customers the possibility to directly add them to their shopping cart to boost the purchases of your online store. This new feature can be activated and configured in "Options > Search engine".

Personalized images when checking-out

Make backups of all your sites at once
The regular backups of your sites are very important to deal with data loss problems (crash disk, viruses, deletions or changes of content by mistake, etc). If you have the TOWeb Studio license and many websites, you may not think of saving them individually everytimes on an external support or in the cloud. TOWeb’s Studio version now allows you to select and backup all your websites' data with just one click.

Recovery of backups protected by forgotten passwords
Comments are now saved in your password protected backups allowing you to place a sentence, a question or a hint to remember the password in case you ever forget it. As it is impossible to open a backup without its password, it will be definitely unusable. It is therefore strongly recommended to place a comment now in all your backups to help you remember your password!

Improvement of additions in paragraph objects
You can now add a new element where desired in a paragraph object. In a form for example, by just selecting one of your fields, the addition will now be done just after it and no longer systematically at the end of your form. This new operation also applies to all the other objects of a paragraph with lists, that is to say: Cards, Lists of Links, Key figures, Percentages, Timelines, Plans & Prices.

Improved accessibility and SEO
The CSS and HTML code of the pages of your sites generated with TOWeb V12 has been optimized on many points to comply with the 2023 standards and allow you to obtain better Search Engine Optimizations (SEO), a better score of Google accessibility and improve the user experience of your visitors.

User interface improvements
All screens of the TOWeb 12 user interface were revised not only to support Windows HiDPI mode but also bring more readability, an optimized and more reactive editor for your paragraph texts, as well as a new option "More details " located in the "Options > e-Commerce" screen which can be deactivated if you no longer want to see the details of each e-commerce feature and have a more accessible/more compact display on small screens.

Improvement of the dead links and errors detections
Detection of dead links in the site optimizer is now more efficient as well as the PHP support test to better detect limitations or configuration problems that can occur on web servers. In addition, for experienced developers who use PHP scripts in their site, it becomes possible to use PHP sessions by simply activating the option in the "Options> Security & HTML > HTML advanced options" step.

Update of the FTP engine for more security, reliability and speed
- TLS/SSL kernel upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1w
- Support for calculating the file control sum for SCP and SFTP protocols
- Use of SFTP data copy extension to duplicate remote files with servers that do not support the file copy extension (OpenSSH)
- Automatic reconnection with the FTP 426 code, if it worked before
- Support for the FTP CSID command