TOWeb's Blog (2015)
Version 6.07 is released

This update of TOWeb V6 provides enhancements and fixes related to the access restriction of the entire site, unwanted texts appearing in the information product of catalogs, HTML5 audio & video files issues and improved management of your list of contacts.
New payments for East African countries

TOWeb now supports the 2 new payments PesaPal and JamboPay to allow online purchases from your TOWeb ecommerce website based in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and soon in Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Malawi and Zambia. A version 6.06 or higher of TOWeb is required to add and use these new payment modes.
TOWeb available in German

The user interface of TOWeb is now available in German since version 6.06. Do not hesitate to give us your feedback if you practice this language and find any errors. The TOWeb language can be changed from the "Options > TOWeb" screen.
Version 6.06 is released

This update of TOWeb V6 provides enhancements and fixes particularly in the sorting of non-displayed topics in the menu, forms, Audio & Video HTML5 files, and the possibility to add code inside the <head > section of each topic.
TOWeb update for Mac OS X El Capitan

A new installation procedure is available for TOWeb to run correctly on the new operating system OS X El Capitan available since October 1st. We recommend all Mac users to install it, even if not upgraded yet to El Capitan. To fix or prevent any issue, you need to download and install again your version of TOWeb from the links below. And after installation, you will also need to copy your registration key to the clipboard before to start TOWeb and activate it again.
New themes for your sites

2 new responsive website templates are available and can be used from a TOWeb version 6.05. These templates introduce a new design with a site menu always visible on top of pages, a full screen width, only one image in the homepage with a title and a button "call to action" slightly animated. These new templates can also be previewed by using the buttons below.
Cookie consent on your site

In order for your site to fully comply with the European Law about the use of cookies, the version 6.05 allows you to automatically display a cookie consent banner containing a link to a topic of your choice with your explanations and confidentiality consideration. And in order for this banner to best fit the design of your site, you can place it either at the top or bottom of your pages and adjust its size. We recommend the use of cookie consent on your site if your visitors are mainly European.
New themes for your sites

3 new responsive website templates are available and can be used from a TOWeb version 6.05. These templates introduce a new design using full screen width, only one image in the homepage with a title and a button "call to action" slightly animated. These new templates can also be previewed by using the buttons below.
Version 6.05 is released

This update of TOWeb V6 provides numerous fixes and improvements like for instance the ability to manage the structured topics (groups and articles) as not displayed in the site menu, the support for email addresses using the new extensions of Internet domains, and the ability to place the consent cookies banner at the bottom of the pages and have a "more" link pointing to another topic than your conditions of use.
PayPal security update

If you use the PayPal payment system on your site, you have certainly been informed by PayPal to stop using the root certificate VeriSign G2 and perform an update to support certificates using SHA-256 algorithm. No changes have to be made either in TOWeb nor your site since it is only a security upgrade that needs to be performed on your web server. If you do not know which security certificates are used by your host provider, you should contact them to verify that your web server is in compliance with PayPal's security expectations. available in German

In order to meet the international demand of TOWeb, the site is now available in German.
Version 6.04 is released

This update of version 6 provides numerous improvements mainly related to security aspects of your web site such as crypted emails to fight spambots, a cookie consent link to your terms of use, and the support of the IP masking for Google Analytics.
New themes for your sites

2 new responsive website templates are available and can be used directly from TOWeb (version 5.28 or version 6 required). These are AutoRepair and Ballet that you can also preview using the buttons below.
Version 6.03 is released

This update of version 6 provides numerous fixes related to the SEO of images, the publication of site changes, the file .htaccess and some e-commerce functions.
Version 6.02 is released

This update provides an improvement of the shoppping cart for smartphones and bug fixes on GIF images, the display of the catatalogs' "Arrange" screen and script & text fields.
Version 6.01 is released

This update provides an improvement of related products and bug fixes on image functions, download file links and the local search engine for products.
New version 6 of TOWeb

The new version 6 is a major release with many new features to improve your sites but also a more efficient management of them.
Version 5.28 is released

This latest update of version 5 includes bug fixes and improvements especially regarding secured publishing, multi-image objects and a better stability of the software interface.
Version 5.27 is released

This update of version 5 includes bug fixes and improvements especially regarding picture/video/audio objects and a search engine optimization on the Google Plus link.
Google will favor responsive websites

Starting from April 21 of 2015, Google changes its algorithm to favor mobile-friendly websites in its search results. If you are already using TOWeb V5 or higher, you have nothing to do since your responsive website is already in perfect position to benefit from this change and gain some SEO places. Otherwise, a testing tool is available to check if your site meets the new mobile-friendly criterias of Google.
Check if your site is mobile-friendly Read the full article on the Google Blog
Version 5.26 is released

This update of version 5 includes several bugfixes and improvements such as the Logo/Slogan element of the theme that can now be hidden on phones, CSS files more optimized and 33 new Google fonts supported.
New themes for your sites

2 new themes are now available and can be used directly from TOWeb (a version 5.24 or higher is required). These are IceSkating and Parachute that you can also preview using the buttons below.
Version 5.25 is released

This update of version 5 includes several bugfixes and improvements as well as 3 new online payments supported by TOWeb : iDEAL, Paybox and CA e-Transaction.