TOWeb V13 changes

The version 13 of TOWeb brings many new major features to modernize your website, improve its performance and its SEO...
03/17/2025 - TOWeb version 13.06.986
- A new option located in "Options > Search Field" now allows catalog product images to be displayed in larger sizes in the page of results
- A new option located in "e-Commerce > Related Products" now allows related product images to be displayed in larger sizes
- After a successful PayPal payment, the site could sometimes incorrectly display an error code #0. It is recommended to entirely republish your e-commerce site after installing this update (instead of simply publishing the changes)
- In the "E-Commerce > Shipments" screen, the first delivery method selected by default did not have its information updated in the fields located aside. Additionally, clicking a second time on a previously selected delivery mode would cause its information to disappear
- A "Warning undefined key" message could sometimes be displayed on the Back Office Orders page of an e-commerce site
- In the "Options > Search Field" screen, the labels of certain options appeared in English and not in the user interface language defined
02/19/2025 - TOWeb version 13.05.985
- In some sites, sending email via SMTP might not work for their web forms as well as for e-commerce orders. To correct this problem, a complete republish of the site is necessary (and not just the changes) after installing this update, but, in case this is not enough, you may need to first delete the site on your web space from the "Publish" step before republishing it completely
- Fixed instability of the TOWeb interface in the "Topics" step where certain actions (such as clicking on an image containing a link) could cause display problems and/or interface blockages
- The limit of search result to display for the catalogs' search engine was not always saved after being modified
- Depending on the language of the site, the words could all be underlined in red while they did not contain spelling mistakes when editing the content of paragraphs (titles and texts)
- In certain circumstances, modifications to the coupons of an e-Commerce site could not be saved (such as the start and end dates of validity of the coupons for instance)
- Under Windows 10 and 11, the the TOWeb preview window displayed in the Windows taskbar appeared completely black. In addition, when using a Studio edition with multiple instances, the TOWeb windows once set as an icon no longer reopened with a single click
- Depending on certain Windows 10/11 activation or configurations, creating a new site might not work but display an error message "please enter a valid email address" instead
- Pressing the CTRL key at the same time as clicking on an add image button in order to select and reuse an image already existing in the site no longer worked when the WebP option was enabled on a site
- The "CSS Editor" and "Explore Themes" buttons could no longer be displayed and the content of a page preview could appear as empty in the "Theme" step when returning to this step and/or after changing the TOWeb interface to dark or light mode
01/30/2025 - TOWeb version 13.04.984
- Ability to test external links that you have placed in your site by clicking on the link while holding down the SHIFT key. This new feature allows you to directly open a link in your web browser to check that the URL you have entered opens the right page and that this page/website still exists (especially if your link was created a long time ago)
- When a product is no longer available in stock, its "Add" button now reuses the CSS styles defined in "Site > General > Buttons > Disabled button" to allow you to customize the color and presentation of inactive "Add" button on your e-Commerce website
- Correction of an instability of TOWeb previously introduced by version 13.03 which, after saving the modifications, could sometimes randomly no longer open correctly certain windows (such as the link window) by placing them in the background, thus causing a blocking of the use of TOWeb with not visible and not accessible window and/or causing display bugs in the user interface
- Adding an email address or an IP address to the blacklists (accessible from "e-Commerce > Backoffice") could cause a crash of TOWeb
- Strengthened verification of certain e-Commerce parameters for which TOWeb could allow the entry of incorrect values
- Minor corrections to certain TOWeb screens in which texts could appear incomplete and certain buttons not correctly positioned
01/24/2025 - TOWeb version 13.03.983
- New WebP option in the "Publish > Performance" step allowing a site to keep images in WebP format only (and therefore no more images in other formats such as JPEG, PNG or others) in order to significantly reduce the total size of the site and therefore reduce publication times but also improve page loading times and therefore SEO in Google
- New progress bar at the top of the screen appears and disappears automatically to show the progress status of blocking treatments that can sometimes be long, such as when switching a site to full webp or when saving important changes to site
- The opening of the "Publish" screen no longer systematically calls the site optimization function but only when necessary
- Some texts could be incorrectly displayed/overlaid when opening the screens of certain options of the site optimizer
- Some access paths could have been incorrect in the .htaccess files of a site when published in a subdomain
12/05/2024 - TOWeb version 13.01.981
- Corrections of "paste" issues in text or html format that could occur following "copy" performed from certain applications like Microsoft Word 2021 or Microsoft 365.
Important : if you do not want the "copy/paste" in your paragraphs to keep any format (bold, underline, links, ...) but directly copy in "pure text format", you need to use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + V instead of CTRL + V - When a catalog product had sub-products, its edit, delete and copy buttons for a category did not work (i.e. no action)
- The "File > Versioning" function could not work on certain computer configurations
- On e-Commerce sites using real-time stock, an ERR_SNE error could appear after the order validation step
- The list of sites could appear empty in the "File > TOWeb Portable" screen
- CSS style changes to catalog images was not taken into account when the WebP option was enabled
- On e-Commerce sites, the order confirmation email could contain html tags (only if sending by php mail but not by SMTP)
- In order to avoid any involuntary deletion error, uninstalling TOWeb no longer ask the question nor confirmation to delete the data of your websites. If you uninstall TOWeb and also want to delete all data of your sites (located in "\My Documents\TOWeb Sites") you will have to do this manually.
Important : Deleting your sites' data on your disk means that you will no longer be able to modify/publish them later, unless you have previously made and kept backups of your sites (on a USB key for example) via the "File > Save" function of TOWeb - The titles and texts of the images in the Theme Slider could be temporarily grayed out and not editable after using the "More" link located in the simplified CSS editor screen
- The label of the checkbox in the sub-product management window was only very partially visible and therefore not readable
- Update of a deprecated meta tag for Apple mobile devices
Former versions of TOWeb
11/29/2024 - TOWeb version 13.00.980
Version 13 provides new features and major improvements to make TOWeb easier to use with more web capabilities to your website.
For more information see all the TOWeb 13 new features.